Title: | "Infested Ship" |
Links: | IMDB | The U.S.S. Salem's Haunted Ship Website |
Media: | Stills | Trailer or Full Film |
Genre: | Undead Horror |
Production: | Dear Skyyler Productions |
Director: | Alex Zinzopoulos, Jack Skyyler, & Joel Brook |
Cinematographer: | Joel Brook |
Writer: | Alex Zinzopoulos, Joel Brook, & Jack Skyyler |
Cast: | Jerry Dwyer Jr., Anna Shields, Vanessa Gall, Jonathan Herook, Lee Simonds, & Jeremy Blaiklock |
Producer: | Mike Condon |
Runtime: | 10 minutes |
Tagline: | They were looking for ghosts, what they found was much worse... |
Synopsis: | Following the rumors of a haunting aboard the heavy gun cruiser: the U.S.S. Salem. Four friends break into the ship to check it out. Once they are inside they ship they encounter a coven of undead at feeding time. Trapped aboard the ship the friends struggle to survive until dawn and keep what they can of their sanity. |
Location: | The U.S. Battleship: the U.S.S. Salem |
Status: | In Festivals |